Welcome to St. Mary's Village Church. While we are a small Parish all are met with a smiling face and are provided with a spiritual family that is supportive and caring.
Mission Statement:
St. Mary’s Village Church is a Roman Catholic community united through our common bonds of worship, faith formation, community building, outreach to others and responsible stewardship of resources. Together, we work to build up the Body of Christ by giving witness to the gospel message of Jesus.
Mass Times
Mass is held every
Sunday at 9 am
Check Parish News for
Holy Day Mass times.
Parish Life Coordinator - Elizabeth Davis
Email: elizabeth@shjth.org
Phone: (812) 240-5234
Religious Ed. Coordinator - Jen Robertson
Email: jenaleerobertson@gmail.com
Sacramental Minister - Fr. Darvin Winters
Secretary - Connie Fitch
Email: secretary@shjth.org
Office Hours: W, F 8:30 - 2:30
PLC Hours: Th, F 9 - 4​​​​
Parish News
6 Respect Life Sunday
Children's Liturgy
No Religious Ed
Donut Sunday!
9 Every Wednesday
St. Joseph 113 S 5th St
18 Mass 10 am Maryvale
2 Vendor Fair